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Mi+Do 19.+20.2. 10:00 Fr 21.2. 18:00 Premiere Sa 22.2. 18:00
Robert Richter und Annika Schaper, Berlin Heinrich der Fünfte
Puppentheater nach Ignace Cornelissen und frei nach William Shakespeare • in deutscher Lautsprache • 50 Minuten • 7 € (Kind), 5 € (Gruppe mit JKS-Schein), 5,50 € (Gruppe ohne JKS-Schein), 10 €, ermäßigt 9 € (Erw.)
Heinrich ist jung, als er König von England wird. Das Land ist marode, die Schatzkammern sind leer und die Menschen unzufrieden. Da ist König sein gar nicht so einfach. Und als ob das nicht genug wäre, beginnt er auch noch einen langen Krieg gegen Frankreich. Mit Pappburg und Handpuppen erzählen Annika Schaper und Robert Richter eine Geschichte, die Mut macht. Von einem, dessen Macht ihm über den Kopf wächst, von einer mutigen Prinzessin, die sich weigert einfach nur zuzuschauen und stattdessen selbst ihr Schicksal in die Hand nimmt und von einem Erzähler, der sich am liebsten aus allem raushalten möchte. Aber darf man das, sich einen Krieg ansehen ohne einzuschreiten?
Spiel: Annika Schaper, Robert Richter Regie: Annika Schaper Outside Eye: Hans-Jochen Menzel, Almut Schäfer-Kubelka Szenographie: Madita Kuhfuhs, Annika Schaper Puppen: Madita Kuhfuhs Dramaturgie, Beratung: Roland Klappstein, Tim Sandweg Aufführungsrechte: Theaterstückverlag Drei Masken Verlag Koproduktion mit: HfS Ernst Busch Berlin – Freies Diplom im Studiengang Zeitgenössische Puppenspielkunst, Theater Salz und Pfeffer, Nürnberg
Wed+Thu 19.+20.2. 10:00 Fri 21.2. 18:00 Premiere Sat 22.2. 18:00
Robert Richter and Annika Schaper, Berlin
Henry the Fifth
Puppet Theater adapted from Ignace Cornelissen freely adapted by William Shakespeare • in German spoken language • 50 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS Voucer), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
Henry is young when he becomes the king of England. The country is rundown, the treasuries are empty and the people are unhappy. Being king there simply isn’t so easy. And, if all of that weren’t enough, he is also starting off a long war against France. Using a cardboard castle and hand puppets, Annika Schaper and Robert Richter tell a story that is encouraging. A story about someone whose power becomes too much for him, about a courageous princess who refuses to simply stand and look on and instead takes her own fate into her hands and about a narrator, who would actually prefer to just keep themself out of everything. But can they do that, can they watch a war take place without getting involved?
Spiel: Annika Schaper, Robert Richter Regie: Annika Schaper Outside Eye: Hans-Jochen Menzel, Almut Schäfer-Kubelka Szenographie: Madita Kuhfuhs, Annika Schaper Puppen: Madita Kuhfuhs Dramaturgie, Beratung: Roland Klappstein, Tim Sandweg Aufführungsrechte: Theaterstückverlag Drei Masken Verlag Koproduktion mit: HfS Ernst Busch Berlin – Freies Diplom im Studiengang Zeitgenössische Puppenspielkunst, Theater Salz und Pfeffer, Nürnberg
Wed+Thu 19.+20.2. 10:00 Fri 21.2. 18:00 Premiere Sat 22.2. 18:00
Robert Richter and Annika Schaper, Berlin
Henry the Fifth
Puppet Theater adapted from Ignace Cornelissen freely adapted by William Shakespeare • in German spoken language • 50 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS Voucer), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
Henry is young when he becomes the king of England. The country is rundown, the treasuries are empty and the people are unhappy. Being king there simply isn’t so easy. And, if all of that weren’t enough, he is also starting off a long war against France. Using a cardboard castle and hand puppets, Annika Schaper and Robert Richter tell a story that is encouraging. A story about someone whose power becomes too much for him, about a courageous princess who refuses to simply stand and look on and instead takes her own fate into her hands and about a narrator, who would actually prefer to just keep themself out of everything. But can they do that, can they watch a war take place without getting involved?
Spiel: Annika Schaper, Robert Richter Regie: Annika Schaper Outside Eye: Hans-Jochen Menzel, Almut Schäfer-Kubelka Szenographie: Madita Kuhfuhs, Annika Schaper Puppen: Madita Kuhfuhs Dramaturgie, Beratung: Roland Klappstein, Tim Sandweg Aufführungsrechte: Theaterstückverlag Drei Masken Verlag Koproduktion mit: HfS Ernst Busch Berlin – Freies Diplom im Studiengang Zeitgenössische Puppenspielkunst, Theater Salz und Pfeffer, Nürnberg
Wed+Thu 19.+20.2. 10:00 Fri 21.2. 18:00 Premiere Sat 22.2. 18:00
Robert Richter and Annika Schaper, Berlin
Henry the Fifth
Puppet Theater adapted from Ignace Cornelissen freely adapted by William Shakespeare • in German spoken language • 50 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS Voucer), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
Henry is young when he becomes the king of England. The country is rundown, the treasuries are empty and the people are unhappy. Being king there simply isn’t so easy. And, if all of that weren’t enough, he is also starting off a long war against France. Using a cardboard castle and hand puppets, Annika Schaper and Robert Richter tell a story that is encouraging. A story about someone whose power becomes too much for him, about a courageous princess who refuses to simply stand and look on and instead takes her own fate into her hands and about a narrator, who would actually prefer to just keep themself out of everything. But can they do that, can they watch a war take place without getting involved?
Spiel: Annika Schaper, Robert Richter Regie: Annika Schaper Outside Eye: Hans-Jochen Menzel, Almut Schäfer-Kubelka Szenographie: Madita Kuhfuhs, Annika Schaper Puppen: Madita Kuhfuhs Dramaturgie, Beratung: Roland Klappstein, Tim Sandweg Aufführungsrechte: Theaterstückverlag Drei Masken Verlag Koproduktion mit: HfS Ernst Busch Berlin – Freies Diplom im Studiengang Zeitgenössische Puppenspielkunst, Theater Salz und Pfeffer, Nürnberg
Wed+Thu 19.+20.2. 10:00 Fri 21.2. 18:00 Premiere Sat 22.2. 18:00
Robert Richter and Annika Schaper, Berlin
Henry the Fifth
Puppet Theater adapted from Ignace Cornelissen freely adapted by William Shakespeare • in German spoken language • 50 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS Voucer), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
Henry is young when he becomes the king of England. The country is rundown, the treasuries are empty and the people are unhappy. Being king there simply isn’t so easy. And, if all of that weren’t enough, he is also starting off a long war against France. Using a cardboard castle and hand puppets, Annika Schaper and Robert Richter tell a story that is encouraging. A story about someone whose power becomes too much for him, about a courageous princess who refuses to simply stand and look on and instead takes her own fate into her hands and about a narrator, who would actually prefer to just keep themself out of everything. But can they do that, can they watch a war take place without getting involved?