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Fr 22.11. 20:00 Premiere Sa 23.11. 20:00 So 24.11. 19:00 Fr 10.1. 20:00 Sa 11.1. 20:00 mit TF/AD* Für die Tastführung ab 18:45 und die Audiodeskription bitten wir um Anmeldung bis zum 10.1., 12:00 unter ticket@schaubude.berlin
Lovefuckers, Berlin
Puppentheater • in deutscher Lautsprache mit englischen Untertiteln • 70 Minuten • 16,50 €, ermäßigt 11,50 €
Lovefuckers präsentieren ihre neue Show mit lebendigen Katzen! Alles beginnt mit einem Desaster: Star-Katze Molly ist verschwunden, Tierschützer gehen auf die Barrikaden und die Show wird in den Medien verrissen. Ein neuer Plot muss her – diesmal mit Puppen! Sie orientieren sich an einem der größten Misserfolge der CIA, der Mission »Acoustic Kitty«, und stürzen dabei in einen Zustand zwischen Traum und Alptraum, Realität und Wahn: Zum glamourösen Scheitern verdammt bis in alle Ewigkeit, gefangen in einer Angst vor verpassten Chancen.
Fri 22.11. 20:00 Premiere Sat 23.11. 20:00 Sun 24.11. 19:00 Fr 10.1. 20:00 Sa 11.1. 20:00 with audio description and tactile tour at 6:45pm* * Please register until 10.1., 12:00am at ticket@schaubude.berlin
Lovefuckers, Berlin
Kamikatze (Kamicatze)
Puppet theater • in German spoken language with English subtitles • 70 minutes • €16.50, reduced €11.50
Lovefuckers are presenting their new show with live cats! Everything kicks off with a disaster: Molly, the star cat, has disappeared, animal rights activists are going on the warpath and the show is being torn apart in the media. A new plot has to be thought up quite urgently – this time with the use of puppets! They are orienting themselves around the greatest failure of the CIA, the mission Acoustic Kitty and, in doing so, plunge themselves into a state between dream and nightmare, reality and madness: predestined to glorious failure for all eternity, caught fast in the fear of missed opportunities.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich, Anna, Menzel, Ivana Sajević Direction: Corinne Eckenstein Text, Concept: Corinne Eckenstein, Lovefuckers Scenography: Florian Machner Puppet design: Astrid Kjaer-Jensen, Ivana Sajević, Annemie Twardawa Music: Manfred Engelmayr Video projections: Luna Jakob, Florian Machner, Lovefuckers Direction Assistance: Luna Jakob Production management: Annemie Twardawa Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Fri 22.11. 20:00 Premiere Sat 23.11. 20:00 Sun 24.11. 19:00 Fr 10.1. 20:00 Sa 11.1. 20:00 with audio description and tactile tour at 6:45pm* * Please register until 10.1., 12:00am at ticket@schaubude.berlin
Lovefuckers, Berlin
Kamikatze (Kamicatze)
Puppet theater • in German spoken language with English subtitles • 70 minutes • €16.50, reduced €11.50
Lovefuckers are presenting their new show with live cats! Everything kicks off with a disaster: Molly, the star cat, has disappeared, animal rights activists are going on the warpath and the show is being torn apart in the media. A new plot has to be thought up quite urgently – this time with the use of puppets! They are orienting themselves around the greatest failure of the CIA, the mission Acoustic Kitty and, in doing so, plunge themselves into a state between dream and nightmare, reality and madness: predestined to glorious failure for all eternity, caught fast in the fear of missed opportunities.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich, Anna, Menzel, Ivana Sajević Direction: Corinne Eckenstein Text, Concept: Corinne Eckenstein, Lovefuckers Scenography: Florian Machner Puppet design: Astrid Kjaer-Jensen, Ivana Sajević, Annemie Twardawa Music: Manfred Engelmayr Video projections: Luna Jakob, Florian Machner, Lovefuckers Direction Assistance: Luna Jakob Production management: Annemie Twardawa Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Fri 22.11. 20:00 Premiere Sat 23.11. 20:00 Sun 24.11. 19:00 Fr 10.1. 20:00 Sa 11.1. 20:00 with audio description and tactile tour at 6:45pm* * Please register until 10.1., 12:00am at ticket@schaubude.berlin
Lovefuckers, Berlin
Kamikatze (Kamicatze)
Puppet theater • in German spoken language with English subtitles • 70 minutes • €16.50, reduced €11.50
Lovefuckers are presenting their new show with live cats! Everything kicks off with a disaster: Molly, the star cat, has disappeared, animal rights activists are going on the warpath and the show is being torn apart in the media. A new plot has to be thought up quite urgently – this time with the use of puppets! They are orienting themselves around the greatest failure of the CIA, the mission Acoustic Kitty and, in doing so, plunge themselves into a state between dream and nightmare, reality and madness: predestined to glorious failure for all eternity, caught fast in the fear of missed opportunities.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich, Anna, Menzel, Ivana Sajević Direction: Corinne Eckenstein Text, Concept: Corinne Eckenstein, Lovefuckers Scenography: Florian Machner Puppet design: Astrid Kjaer-Jensen, Ivana Sajević, Annemie Twardawa Music: Manfred Engelmayr Video projections: Luna Jakob, Florian Machner, Lovefuckers Direction Assistance: Luna Jakob Production management: Annemie Twardawa Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Fri 22.11. 20:00 Premiere Sat 23.11. 20:00 Sun 24.11. 19:00 Fr 10.1. 20:00 Sa 11.1. 20:00 with audio description and tactile tour at 6:45pm* * Please register until 10.1., 12:00am at ticket@schaubude.berlin
Lovefuckers, Berlin
Kamikatze (Kamicatze)
Puppet theater • in German spoken language with English subtitles • 70 minutes • €16.50, reduced €11.50
Lovefuckers are presenting their new show with live cats! Everything kicks off with a disaster: Molly, the star cat, has disappeared, animal rights activists are going on the warpath and the show is being torn apart in the media. A new plot has to be thought up quite urgently – this time with the use of puppets! They are orienting themselves around the greatest failure of the CIA, the mission Acoustic Kitty and, in doing so, plunge themselves into a state between dream and nightmare, reality and madness: predestined to glorious failure for all eternity, caught fast in the fear of missed opportunities.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich, Anna, Menzel, Ivana Sajević Direction: Corinne Eckenstein Text, Concept: Corinne Eckenstein, Lovefuckers Scenography: Florian Machner Puppet design: Astrid Kjaer-Jensen, Ivana Sajević, Annemie Twardawa Music: Manfred Engelmayr Video projections: Luna Jakob, Florian Machner, Lovefuckers Direction Assistance: Luna Jakob Production management: Annemie Twardawa Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Fri 22.11. 20:00 Premiere Sat 23.11. 20:00 Sun 24.11. 19:00 Fr 10.1. 20:00 Sa 11.1. 20:00 with audio description and tactile tour at 6:45pm* * Please register until 10.1., 12:00am at ticket@schaubude.berlin
Lovefuckers, Berlin
Kamikatze (Kamicatze)
Puppet theater • in German spoken language with English subtitles • 70 minutes • €16.50, reduced €11.50
Lovefuckers are presenting their new show with live cats! Everything kicks off with a disaster: Molly, the star cat, has disappeared, animal rights activists are going on the warpath and the show is being torn apart in the media. A new plot has to be thought up quite urgently – this time with the use of puppets! They are orienting themselves around the greatest failure of the CIA, the mission Acoustic Kitty and, in doing so, plunge themselves into a state between dream and nightmare, reality and madness: predestined to glorious failure for all eternity, caught fast in the fear of missed opportunities.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich, Anna, Menzel, Ivana Sajević Direction: Corinne Eckenstein Text, Concept: Corinne Eckenstein, Lovefuckers Scenography: Florian Machner Puppet design: Astrid Kjaer-Jensen, Ivana Sajević, Annemie Twardawa Music: Manfred Engelmayr Video projections: Luna Jakob, Florian Machner, Lovefuckers Direction Assistance: Luna Jakob Production management: Annemie Twardawa Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt